Voxin voices work great, espeak not so much in Ubuntu 9.04

Peter Torpey ptorpey at rochester.rr.com
Sun Jul 12 20:32:34 BST 2009

From: Bill Cox <waywardgeek at gmail.com>
Subject: Voxin voices work great, espeak not so much in Ubuntu 9.04
	[PT] I found that the Viavox synthesizer did not work well with
gnome-speech and pulse audio.  The problem I had was when a large amount of
output was printed to the terminal in gnome-terminal, I could not get Voxin
to shut up.  Sometimes it would continue for several minutes despite any key

After talking to the folks at Oralux, I finally removed pulseaudio,
connected all of my sounds through alsa, and ran Voxin with
speech-dispatcher.  Now I can immediately stop the speaking of Voxin
whenever I want without any problem.

Thus, I wouldn't recommend using Voxin with gnome-speech, but rather would
use speech-dispatcher.  But, speech-dispatcher may interfere with
pulseaudio, so I removed that.

To: ubuntu <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>,
	vinux-development at googlegroups.com
	<499d69a00907081019t544c12b5q9d0e7f58e501180a at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I'm running the latest code for atk, at-spi, orca, and compiz.  I also
have upgraded from the proposed repository.  I have found that the old
IBM Viavoice speech engine works great with pulseaudio and Gnome
Speech Services, when using the IBM Viavoice GNOME Speech Driver.
However, the espeak driver still gets cut off and choppy, and is
basically unusable.

I would recommend to anyone out there who prefers Viavoice over espeak
to just install it, and don't bother removing pulseaudio or installing
speech-dispatcher to get espeak working.

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