[orca-list] Run Vibuntu on USB with persistant storage!

Ignasi Cambra ignasicambra at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 21:11:51 GMT 2008

I agree. And Speech-Dispatcher is not the only thing. What about people 
wanting to compile their kernels with the Speakup modules? If we integrate 
that in Vibuntu, that's a few les hours waiting for your computer to 
sloooowly compile the kernel...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Isaac Porat" <isaac at porat.me.uk>
To: <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: [orca-list] Run Vibuntu on USB with persistant storage!

>I fully agree with Ignasi.
> I have two perspectives on this as a blind user and as a developer.
> As a user (newbie) all was said before - configuration out of the box will
> save a lot of hassle letting people learn or use the system straight out 
> of
> the box rather than being involved in lots of unnecessary preparations, I
> have the patience and perhaps some  skill to persevere  others will give 
> up
> - my interest in Ubuntu is for the masses of typical users.
> As a developer who is considering porting free software for the blind
> community into Ubuntu I was horrified when I discovered how much a newbie
> needs to do to get the system to work properly; it is all there because of
> effort of so many people (thank you) but not yet integrated.
> I don't mind giving support for my software but just don't have the time 
> or
> wish to support problems of just getting the speech to work properly.
> In my case unless speech-dispatcher is ready to go (perhaps with a single
> flag) I will be just wasting my time.
> If the Main distribution will do that in the future well and good but my
> guess is that it will take (if at all) a long time (I have not seen much
> participation in this list from the Ubuntu team either - what a difference
> from the Orca mailing list).
> So Tony your Vibuntu project has all my support and if sometimes I get a
> message from you or others I don't like to read pressing the Delete key is
> not too much of an effort.
> Keep up the good work.
> Regards
> Isaac
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Justin
> Harford
> Sent: 18 December 2008 15:37
> To: ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [orca-list] Run Vibuntu on USB with persistant storage!
> I agree with Ignasi Cambra's comment.  I am only subscribed to the ubuntu
> accessibility list with the purpose of keeping up with linux development
> without getting all the extra email.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> --
> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
> Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-accessibility
> -- 
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