getting the gnome-speech eSpeak driver to build? (was, eSpeak v1.18 released, for use with Orca/GnomeSpeech)

Jonathan Duddington jsd at
Sun Jan 14 21:57:11 GMT 2007

In article <000701c7381d$19210570$6901a8c0 at thinkpad>,
   Al Puzzuoli <alpuzz at> wrote:

> On a somewhat related note, have you  tried compiling Espeak under
> Ubuntu for PPC?  When attempting to do so, I'm getting an error
> during the make, having to do with the inability to find lespeak. 
> It's as if  the compile depends on the presence of libespeak, but I
> don't see how to compile libespeak first.

Yes, compiling "espeak" needs the "libespeak" to be present in /usr/lib.

But "make" should have compiled OK.  So install that
in /usr/lib and do "sudo ldconfig" (I think that creates the link from
/usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/  Then if you
run "make" again, it should compile "espeak" OK.

Perhaps there is a way of making the makefile do that automatically?

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