[u-a-dev] ALViC- Accessible Linux for Visually Challenged Release

Alicia Brown sectorius1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 10:16:42 UTC 2013

I am not a developer but I have a daughter with a vision impairment who
currently uses an ipad because of its voice over inbuilt software. She also
has nvda on her windows computer which she prefers to jaws which the
schools promoted. I use ultimate edition on one of my computers but didn't
find it had good vi accessibilty. I didn't know about vinux. We also have
an apple mac pro and I have had a brief look at the voiceover on it which
disabled the mouse and forces the use of the keypad.
I find that voiceover on the iphone and ipad is great except for on the
internet as it stops reading link words and its too hard to find them with
a finger to continue reading.
Can anyone give me a comparison of the functionality differences between
alvic, voice over on ipads, voiceover on macbooks, nvda and jaws?
I need something simple to learn and simple to use. I don't care about
cost, just a true comparison of functionality please.
Alicia brown

On 13/03/2013 7:04 PM, "OSSD, CDAC Mumbai" <predictanumaan at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear BalramanJi,

Your statement that ALViC hasn't got features like monitor toggle, volume
control, speak battery status, speak time and speak date is not true. ALViC
has all these features. Login to ALViC and press Ctrl+Alt+k (same as in
Vinux) to get a list of functions and key-bindings. Keybindings for
functions mentioned by you are -
Function                          ALViC key               Vinux key
Toggle monitor on/ off    Ctrl+Alt+m               Ctrl+Alt+m
Mute/ unmute volume    Super+Alt+Down    Orca+End
Raise volume                  Super+Alt+Right     Orca+PgUp
Lower volume                 Super+Alt+Left        Orca+PgDown
Speak battery status      Orca+y                     Orca+a
Speak clipboard text      Orca+d                     Orca+r
Speak time                      Orca+t                      Orca+t
Speak date                      Orca+tt                     Orca+tt

Some ALViC keybindings differ from Vinux for good reason. Vinux keybinding
Speak battery status (Orca+a) clashes with and disables Orca Calc
keybinding Read input line (Orca+a). Vinux keybinding Read clipboard text
(Orca+r) clashes with and disables Orca Calc keybinding Set row as dynamic
column header (Orca+r). ALViC avoids this overlap by using different
keybindings. Vinux keybindings for volume have changed only recently,
earlier they were identical to ALViC's.

There is no question of getting offended by users' feedback. We highly
value feedback if it is based on facts.

ALViC has following new features which Vinux or any other distros do not
have. Please try out ALViC and give us feedback on these features.

   Skim reading
   Navigation by sentence

   Structural navigation of text documents
   PDF documents made accessible

   Easy navigation on Desktop icon view
   Enabling Numpad when Numlock is on
   Enabling echoes for Super a...

Thanks and regards.

Dattatray Bhat
Accessibility Team
CDAC Mumbai

On Tue Mar 12 00:43:48 UTC 2013, Balaram chess.balaram at gmail.com wrote:
This was my reply to the mu...

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