[u-a-dev] ALViC- Accessible Linux for Visually Challenged Release
predictanumaan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 07:01:15 UTC 2013
ALViC and Vinux are GNU/Linux distributions. A GNU/Linux distribution
consists of the GNU/Linux operating system and a set of popular
applications. In ALViC and Vinux, the screen reader Orca is built-in and
enabled by default.
Vinux and ALViC are comparable to -
Windows + MS Office and other applications + JAWS/ NVDA.
Detailed comparison among JAWS, HAL, NVDA, VoiceOver and Orca is available
at the following link -
Practical Screen Reader Comparison: A user-oriented
Screen reader user survey by WebAIM is available at the following link -
WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey
Hope you find this information useful.
Accessibility Team
CDAC Mumbai
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Alicia Brown <sectorius1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not a developer but I have a daughter with a vision impairment who
> currently uses an ipad because of its voice over inbuilt software. She also
> has nvda on her windows computer which she prefers to jaws which the
> schools promoted. I use ultimate edition on one of my computers but didn't
> find it had good vi accessibilty. I didn't know about vinux. We also have
> an apple mac pro and I have had a brief look at the voiceover on it which
> disabled the mouse and forces the use of the keypad.
> I find that voiceover on the iphone and ipad is great except for on the
> internet as it stops reading link words and its too hard to find them with
> a finger to continue reading.
> Can anyone give me a comparison of the functionality differences between
> alvic, voice over on ipads, voiceover on macbooks, nvda and jaws?
> I need something simple to learn and simple to use. I don't care about
> cost, just a true comparison of functionality please.
> Thankyou
> Alicia brown
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