Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04 LTS Request

Joshua Peisach itzswirlz2020 at outlook.com
Wed Jan 31 00:11:07 UTC 2024

If documenting here in this email is ok too,

- General SRUs, if necessary can be provided for the 3 year LTS period, for all of the packages in the cinnamon desktop suite, and any Ubuntu Cinnamon related package (ubuntucinnamon-artwork, ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers, etc.)
- In the case of packages that affect us outside of those packages, we can request Patch Pilots/hop in IRC whenever needed to request a patch.

- Bugs/issues relating to Nemo can also be worked out with Ubuntu Budgie, since we both use the same file manager.

I think the main concern other than ’nemo’ for maintenance will be the primary ‘cinnamon’ source package, since it contains most of the overall DE, tieing in everything together along with being the source of the settings and UI and whatnot. And from now until early 2027, I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.

I hope this email was helpful.

On Jan 30, 2024, at 5:06 PM, Joshua Peisach <itzswirlz2020 at outlook.com> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joshua Peisach <itzswirlz2020 at outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04 LTS Request
Date: January 30, 2024 at 5:04:41 PM EST
To: Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at ubuntu.com>

Hi Sebastian,

I’m very sorry for the late response. This ended up in spam.

We would want to support the LTS for 3 years like other flavors, I cannot guarantee I can do five years.

In the event of issues, I can be contacted, or anyone on the ~ubuntucinnamon-dev launchpad team. Bugs to any cinnamon-* or ubuntucinnamon-* package get sent to us.

Support plans, I’ll need to document, granted I just saw this email now - the usual cinnamon* packages will need to be supported.

I’ll soon send a follow up email with a wiki page to details.

Sorry again,

On Jan 17, 2024, at 9:37 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at ubuntu.com> wrote:

Hey Joshua,

I didn't see a reply to the previous email asking for more information about the Cinnamon LTS request so I'm checking if you correctly received it?

I'm also Ccing Simon now since you listed him as another contact point for the flavor


Le 28/11/2023 à 11:47, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
Hey Joshua,

Following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors we need a bit more information

- Do you want to support the LTS for 3 or 5 years?

- Where users should file bugs / who to contact in the event of any issues?

- Could you document (wiki, own website, ...) your support plans? Any key upstream packages which will be supported for the LTS period?

As an example of the kind of detail needed, please see a historical example in
and a more recent example at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2023-November/002786.html



Le 09/11/2023 à 20:36, Joshua Peisach a écrit :
Hello TB,

The Ubuntu Cinnamon team is requesting approval for the upcoming LTS release. We have a team of people (~ubuntucinnamon-dev) and we are able to maintain the flavor for the support period, including myself.

For primary contact, you can message me (ItzSwirlz), and tsimonq2.

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