Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS application for 3 years

Martin Wimpress martin at ubuntu-mate.org
Fri Apr 15 13:14:57 UTC 2016


Adam Conrad asked me to email the technical board with our plan to support
an application for Ubuntu MATE 16.04 to be an LTS release.

After discussing this with the core team we'd like to request a 3 year LTS
for Ubuntu MATE. This is our support plan:

* I am a core MATE developer, with the support of the MATE Desktop team. We
can commit to developing bug fixes in MATE 1.12 for the 3 year period.

* MATE 1.12 is in Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and already branched in GitHub ready
for back porting fixes, should the need arise.

* I am a member of the MATE packaging team for Debian. I am already
practised in back porting fixes and have been doing so for MATE 1.8 in
Debian Jessie.

* The Ubuntu MATE components in Ubuntu are essentially artwork, default
settings and Ubuntu MATE Welcome. Everything else comes from Debian. Our
core team can maintain the Ubuntu MATE packages that just exist in Ubuntu
for the proposed 3 years.

* Ubuntu MATE 16.04 components in Launchpad and BitBucket will be branched
next week, ready for back porting fixes should the need arise.

* I have volunteered several times to help with the alpha/beta releases for
the community flavours. I will continue to represent Ubuntu MATE in that
regard and assist the release manager. I commit to managing the Ubuntu MATE
16.04 point release images up to 16.04.5.

* I've been working on Ubuntu MATE since June 2014. I'm in it for the long
haul. All my family use Ubuntu MATE, I'm invested in its future :-)

I hope that is sufficient to secure a 3 year LTS for Ubuntu MATE. If you
have any other questions, please ask.

Best regards, Martin.
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