Fwd: Application to add ~xnox to ~ubuntu-archive

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 20 15:33:38 UTC 2021

Hi ~ubuntu-archive admins & techboard,

I would like to apply for ~ubuntu-archive team membership. Initially
scoped to exclusively working on & reviewing existing kernel related
packages. Many tasks to publish regular kernel updates require
privileges above of ~ubuntu-core-dev since binary packages are renamed
with every upload and signing is required to be performed.

I am well versed in binary package reviews, adding / removing
packages, submitting / reviewing / signing signed artefacts. I
understand and use most archive reports, and have contributed fixes to
them in the past. I will not exercise the ~ubuntu-archive powers on
any request that I myself generate. I shouldn't need any ssh access



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