Application to add ~xnox to ~ubuntu-archive

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Apr 20 18:04:15 UTC 2021

Hey there,

Coincidence but Christian asked details on how to join ubuntu-archive as
well today, I'm going to copy a part of Łukasz's reply for consistency
between potential applicants

"So the Archive Admin team, similarly to the Ubuntu SRU and Ubuntu
Release teams, is a strict invite-only team with no formal process of
becoming one. The main reason is that being an AA gives a lot of power
in Ubuntu, basically giving full control over the Ubuntu archive
as-is, so it's not something anyone can get by just requesting
membership. This is also why there is no formal process as we do not
want it to be possible for arbitrary people to apply by themselves."

I personally didn't know about this rule. I've personally asked a few
times over the year if the SRU team would be interested by me joining
but never got a reply so I know it can be frustrating. I also witnessed
Laney getting through the same problems when he tried to join
~ubuntu-archive. If there is no process on purpose I think it would be
worth at least documenting that and be more open about how those teams
are working. Sorry for sidetracking a bit from the original topic but
since the technical board is Cced and I had in my mind to reach out to
them about the issue for some time I'm taking the opportunity to mention
it now.


Le 20/04/2021 à 17:29, Dimitri John Ledkov a écrit :
> Hi ~ubuntu-archive admins & techboard,
> I would like to apply for ~ubuntu-archive team membership. Initially
> scoped to exclusively working on & reviewing existing kernel related
> packages. Many tasks to publish regular kernel updates require
> privileges above of ~ubuntu-core-dev since binary packages are renamed
> with every upload and signing is required to be performed.
> I am well versed in binary package reviews, adding / removing
> packages, submitting / reviewing / signing signed artefacts. I
> understand and use most archive reports, and have contributed fixes to
> them in the past. I will not exercise the ~ubuntu-archive powers on
> any request that I myself generate. I shouldn't need any ssh access
> either.

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