Ubuntu MATE's Software Boutique and third party sources

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 6 19:16:02 UTC 2021

Hi Martin,

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 05:26:45PM +0000, Martin Wimpress wrote:
> I can attend the TB meeting on the 27th, I've rearranged some personal
> commitments so I can be free in the evening. If there is anything we
> can discuss prior to the meeting via email, then we can do that too.
> I'm certainly open to suggestions as to what we can modify to retain
> features that our users find extremely valuable.
> We are currently re-working Welcome and de-coupling the Software
> Boutique into it's own application. Along the way we are cleaning up
> how AptDaemon/PackageKit are used, so the calls to external utilities
> are not required. We also adding support for snaps and Welcome and
> Boutique are going to be delivered as snaps, initially classic but I'm
> talking with the security team to determine what interfaces are
> required so that we can strictly confine both applications yet still
> be able to install software via apt and snap.

The TB has an outstanding action item that apparently awaits a response
from you. It's been languishing a long time, and I suspect is out of
date or missing further action that was already taken. Maybe the email
I'm replying to is actually the expected response from you? Could you
update us on your understanding of the current status of this, please?


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