Principia / DevOps / leadership and governance

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Jul 13 14:27:59 UTC 2011

On 13 July 2011 00:28, Jono Bacon <jono at> wrote:
> I just wanted to pick up on this and move this forward. In Dublin at
> some meetings we had some discussions about this council and it sounds
> like it serve well for an open and transparent archive of Ensemble
> formulas.

The discussion seems rather to have jumped on a bit and I'd like to
hear more about the reasons why. Earlier in this thread my reading of
the conclusion was that a "Council" (in the sense of a CC appointed
governance body) wasn't yet necessary or appropriate for this
community, and that we were talking more of a technical leadership
body for this new community area, appointed by the TB.

I may have misread that conclusion but if I haven't then it's only
been about a month since then. What has changed?

Matthew East
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