It’s Official – The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Thu Dec 23 15:25:44 GMT 2010

I have been setting back really enjoying this thread. About a year ago I 
brought up a thread in Sounder that the FCC was going to stick it's nose 
in and finally take over the Internet. It started a firestorm of posts, 
cursing, name calling and some complaints by Europeans and citizens of 
other countries that I should shut up because I had introduced a local 
political argument.  I think we finally just dropped the thread to save 
the peace.  I am glad to see it's back. I do think the users of the net 
should really discuss this as we are the ones largely effected. I worry 
that it will lead to more and more censorship and control.  They control 
the airwaves to the point where they now belong to the Worlds 
governments.  It won't take long before the internet is just another 
Governemnt controlled comunication system.
     I sail my own boat and have made several ocean crossings alone.  I 
am sure no one here knows but the world has joined and made that illegal 
activity.  I did not post this to be off topic but instead to show what 
will almost surly happen to the Internet if we users do not fight 
government intervention.
     The Internet is a thorn in the sides of Government world wide, 
because they don't control what we users are able to say.  I don't think 
they really care if Comcast or some other provider has a monopoly or 
not.                          Doug

On 12/22/2010 10:07 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:22 AM, scott wrote:
>> On 12/22/2010 01:09 AM, Goh Lip wrote:
>>> On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 12:05:51 +0800, Christopher Chan
>>> <christopher.chan at>    wrote:
>>>>> Reminds me of the 'seven sisters' (now 5) of the oil industry,
>>>>> looks like we are going back to the ITT days - good luck to
>>>>> would-be Mosaddegh's or Allende's. But this may be overblown,
>>>>> the unseen big boys are now picking on their own people, now
>>>>> that the rest of the world has wisen up.
>>>> I'm not so sure of that. I suspect lobbying aka legalized bribery
>>>> will be hitting Europe and them that boast of hundreds of choices
>>>> for their fixed line/internet link will be gagged.
>>> You're not far off the mark. There are, of course contemporary
>>> Shah's, Pinochet's, and Nakasone's, mostly in the middle east, and
>>> for the most part, repressive to their own people. For those in so
>>> called 'free and democratic' countries, they are cajoled, bribed,
>>> pimped, threatened and bullied by the 'leader of the free world' to
>>> do the big unseen boys' bidding. Like turkeys being roasted,their
>>> supporters will fight for the chefs roasting them because they
>>> thought they elected them and they thought they are free.
>>> There are none more enslaved than those who thought they are free.
>>> Anyway, Christopher, we've gone far from the topic of 'net
>>> neutrality' and I guess it's time to stop here.
>>> Regards and take care - Goh Lip
>> This is what it's all
>> about.......""
>> ..."Dear Chairman Genachowski and Commissioners: In recent letters to
>> the FCC and supporting media activity (exhibit attached), Comcast
>> represents to the Commission and general public that its ongoing
>> dispute with Level 3 is “simply about peering”. Comcast explains that
>> the issue centers around traffic ratios and its entitlement to
>> financial compensation because, fundamentally, its network receives
>> more traffic from Level 3 than it generates towards Level 3 – a
>> position supported by “countless industry experts”. In reality, this
>> representation is not accurate, nor is industry consensus
>> unanimous."......
> Oh please. We are more interested in how the slaughterhouses work with
> the chef, not some turkey lover with power to put limits.
> Anyway, looks like someone is trying to achieve an encore like when FCC
> decreed fibre deployment.
> Is the turkey lover up to it? Will it repeat its colossal failure to
> catch slaughterhouses killing in broad daylight?

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