It’s Official – The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Dec 23 16:40:22 GMT 2010

On Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:25 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> I have been setting back really enjoying this thread. About a year ago I
> brought up a thread in Sounder that the FCC was going to stick it's nose
> in and finally take over the Internet. It started a firestorm of posts,
> cursing, name calling and some complaints by Europeans and citizens of
> other countries that I should shut up because I had introduced a local
> political argument.  I think we finally just dropped the thread to save
> the peace.  I am glad to see it's back. I do think the users of the net
> should really discuss this as we are the ones largely effected. I worry
> that it will lead to more and more censorship and control.  They control
> the airwaves to the point where they now belong to the Worlds
> governments.  It won't take long before the internet is just another
> Governemnt controlled comunication system.

Wait, wait. How is the FCC making sure that providers don't start 
charging based on packet origin/destination (that's net neutrality I 
take it - if the FCC has other stuff hidden in it then yeah, that's a 
completely different ball game/beast - are there?) equal to government 
control? If there are no government controls except ensuring that ISPs 
don't get to filter traffic on whim, please stop spreading FUD.

>       I sail my own boat and have made several ocean crossings alone.  I
> am sure no one here knows but the world has joined and made that illegal
> activity.  I did not post this to be off topic but instead to show what
> will almost surly happen to the Internet if we users do not fight
> government intervention.

Sorry, until there is a world government, you bet that you cannot just 
sail from any point to just any point in the world.

>       The Internet is a thorn in the sides of Government world wide,
> because they don't control what we users are able to say.  I don't think
> they really care if Comcast or some other provider has a monopoly or
> not.                          Doug

And where does this net neutrality thing amount to censorship?

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