
Odd iodine at
Thu Sep 17 21:30:07 BST 2009

Odd H. SandvikMichael Haney wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Odd <iodine at> wrote:
>> Indeed. Apple is actually worse than Microsoft. But since they
>> have a relatively small market share, most people don't notice it.
> Odd, despite our disagreements in past posts I wholeheartedly agree
> with you here in some respects.  Apple's behavior under Steve Jobs'
> leadership has been something of a disappointment lately.  Apple has a
> opportunity to step up and be a huge moral role model in the computer
> industry, but instead they're becoming worse than the evil empire that
> Gates built.
> Their iTunes App Store shenanigans is one primary example.  You do not
> under any circumstances treat your development community like 2nd
> class citizens, but that's what Apple is doing.  When the iPhone was a
> new commodity that might have been able to get away with it but
> nowadays Apple has a lot of smartphone competition from Blackberry,
> the Palm Pre, Android phones, and many of (cringe) Windows Mobile
> smartphones.  Many of these now have app stores with far fewer
> restrictions and those restrictions are CLEARLY POINTED OUT.  The
> rules of the iTunes App store seem to change every second of every of
> every day and getting your app accepted is something akin to playing
> Russian Roulette.

Yeah, that's an uncertainty developers don't need.

> Like the Skype app getting approval but the Google Voice app didn't.
> There's lots more examples where that came from though.

Tt doesn't make any sense. Like you said, it's like Russian Roulette.
It's simply not acceptable from a developer's viewpoint. I wonder how
long Apple will continue this..


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