
Michael Haney thezorch at
Thu Sep 17 20:19:16 BST 2009

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Odd <iodine at> wrote:
> Indeed. Apple is actually worse than Microsoft. But since they
> have a relatively small market share, most people don't notice it.

Odd, despite our disagreements in past posts I wholeheartedly agree
with you here in some respects.  Apple's behavior under Steve Jobs'
leadership has been something of a disappointment lately.  Apple has a
opportunity to step up and be a huge moral role model in the computer
industry, but instead they're becoming worse than the evil empire that
Gates built.

Their iTunes App Store shenanigans is one primary example.  You do not
under any circumstances treat your development community like 2nd
class citizens, but that's what Apple is doing.  When the iPhone was a
new commodity that might have been able to get away with it but
nowadays Apple has a lot of smartphone competition from Blackberry,
the Palm Pre, Android phones, and many of (cringe) Windows Mobile
smartphones.  Many of these now have app stores with far fewer
restrictions and those restrictions are CLEARLY POINTED OUT.  The
rules of the iTunes App store seem to change every second of every of
every day and getting your app accepted is something akin to playing
Russian Roulette.

Like the Skype app getting approval but the Google Voice app didn't.
There's lots more examples where that came from though.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
Twitter: TheZorch
Skype: thezorch (Voice and/or Chat)
AIM: thezorch at
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ICQ: 343230252
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Free Your Computer from the Tyranny of Microsoft

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