Why Linux is not (yet) ready for the desktop

Brian Fahrlander wheeldweller at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 02:34:11 BST 2009

Steve Reilly wrote:
> Chris Rees wrote:
>> so people survive. Are you so against helping people? Why don't they
>> 'deserve' help?
> havent really been following this thread just decided to look at it,
> what it has to do with the subject line i have no idea but ill still
> comment lol.......i dont think its people are unwilling to help others.
>  its the fact that  a greater percentage of people *on* welfare prefer
> to *stay* on welfare, its a great gig at least in the us.  the country
> isnt in *that* bad shape where if i quit my job today i could be working
> elsewhere by tomorrow morning. there should be a 30 day limit on
> benefits, this coming from a small upstate ny armpit town where welfare
> fraud runs rampant. *thats* what make people unwilling to help others.
> just like the old saying...... give people an inch, theyll take a mile,
> itll never change.
    Yes; very correct. The percentage of "impoverished" (meaning, on 
assistance, etc) hasn't changed a single percent since the "War on 
Poverty".  However, millions of family members think that 
subsitance-living is good enough, and it leaves more time to party on 
illegal drugs, having children they don't want (who thinks of them?) and 
killing each other. Single-mothers claim 80% of inmates...there *is* a 

    Welfare is not a helping hand; it's a path to misery and pain. It 
was part of how Rome was conquered; everyone went to the circus to eat 
the bread, but eventually no one was able to afford the bread anymore.

    Despite the class-envying and war-cries against Christianity, a 
Christian-run Capitalist system is fabulous: it permits innovation, 
grows the living standards of our planet, AND provides huge amounts of 
money and other help to the poor.

    No, you don't have to be in church every Sunday to make this work, 
the entire culture pivots on the idea that we are *all* hungry and in 
pain at times.  It's up to use to help out. When capitalism isn't bonded 
with a charity-minded religion, what you get is India. Energy, math, 
science, cholera, starvation, and armies of legless children begging in 
the streets. Call someone an "untouchable" and you no longer need worry 
about them- they're sub-human, and you no longer need to care.  Take a 
look at Indian cities; a sad, deadly portrait of rust, decay and 
poverty.  Worse yet, some of the rich CUT ARMS OFF CHILDREN BEGGARS so 
they'll be able to beg for more...and the rich get that money, too. The 
idea just almost doesn't fit in my head, but I saw the news story.

    Some people claim capitalism is greedy; well, "greed", the hope that 
by working harder you might make more money is a very, very important 
thing. You wouldn't want your daughter to marry a man without it.  
"Greed", popularized in the movies and other Liberal properties, where 
money is used as a weapon, well that just needs a new name.

 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                                                         
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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