Why Linux is not (yet) ready for the desktop

Steve Reilly sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Sat Jun 6 21:02:51 BST 2009

Chris Rees wrote:

> so people survive. Are you so against helping people? Why don't they
> 'deserve' help?

havent really been following this thread just decided to look at it,
what it has to do with the subject line i have no idea but ill still
comment lol.......i dont think its people are unwilling to help others.
 its the fact that  a greater percentage of people *on* welfare prefer
to *stay* on welfare, its a great gig at least in the us.  the country
isnt in *that* bad shape where if i quit my job today i could be working
elsewhere by tomorrow morning. there should be a 30 day limit on
benefits, this coming from a small upstate ny armpit town where welfare
fraud runs rampant. *thats* what make people unwilling to help others.
just like the old saying...... give people an inch, theyll take a mile,
itll never change.


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