Netbook Remix launcher

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Jan 14 12:57:03 GMT 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 12:12 +0000, Liam Proven wrote:
> Precisely. In other words, one cannot completely remove Evolution
> without breaking GNOME. 

Not really, at least if you stick with your original wording.

> Which was my point.

But you wrote, "I don't much like Evolution as an email client, but I
can't simply remove it all". 

But you *can* remove *Evolution as an email client*. What remains is the
data server, which is not the email client. And it clocks in with a
whopping 1.3 MB on HD.

You can even remove evolution-data-server. It does not break Gnome, it
just removes the functionality that is provided by this package.

> The fact that this is well-known does not excuse it. I was attempting
> to highlight the issue.

The issue is solved, you can remove the mail client if you don't like it
without doing anything to Gnome. Granted that package handling could be
improved, but that's a wider issue. And you can remove all evolution
stuff for the cost of losing the functionality it provides (expecting
anything else would obviously be foolhardy).

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