Sounder mailing list etiquette and future direction
Alan Pope
alan at
Thu Dec 3 19:53:37 GMT 2009
Hello all,
I'll keep this short.
The Ubuntu Community Council is aware that active members of this list
are not using the resource in a way that is both considerate and
respectful. We have observed the recent state of the list traffic and
are not impressed with the steady decline in quality, and the rise in
flames and trolls.
Sounder has been active for over 5 years, and has subscribers from
differing background, cultures and ethnic groups. It's described as
"Anything goes Ubuntu community chit-chat and discussion list" [0] and
was originally a "forum to bounce ideas around", where "freethinking
could happen" [1].
Whilst there have been pockets of discussion in the past which have
been insightful, useful and productive, recently the content has
degraded to mostly griping, snide personal attacks and flames.
Numerous options have been considered which include (but are not
limited to) the following:-
* Shutting down the sounder list completely
* Creating a new 'community' list with a revised charter and
moderation (and shutting down sounder)
* Introducing a {more} strict moderation system on the existing sounder list
* Keeping the list as it is
Personally speaking the last of the listed options is the least
appealing. My impression is that the Community Council prefers options
at the top of the list. I'd recommend that those members of the list
who wish to keep it and return to the original intended use should
speak up and help to rebuild it.
As an aside, if there are any perceived 'bug's in the way the list
operate (I'm thinking reply-to settings) then I'd recommend opening a
bug [2] in launchpad where other similar issues are raised to the
awareness of 'those who can do something about it'.
Alan Pope.
[0] -
[1] -
[2] -
More information about the sounder
mailing list