New Programs for Hardy?

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Sat Dec 8 05:42:02 GMT 2007

On 11/28/07, Colin Watson <cjwatson at> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 01:15:28AM -0600, Conrad Knauer wrote:
> > On Nov 14, 2007 2:55 PM, Bryan Haskins <kingofallhearts999 at> wrote:
> > > because of this I can almost guarantee it will not see the
> > > Install Disc for some time to come, even though Iced Tea is sure a movement,
> > > we're working with 700mb here, compression only does so much.
> >
> > I'm not too familiar with the details of the squashfs compression
> > used; how close would it be?  Is there a way to increase compression
> > at the expense of processing time?  Could some of the Windows FOSS be
> > pared down to make room for it?
> We are always looking for more ways to reduce CD size so that we can fit
> more things on the CD, although squashfs-lzma is not on the table at the
> moment since, while squashfs is likely to be merged upstream soon,
> squashfs-lzma apparently isn't. That said, I believe the next version of
> squashfs uses larger block sizes to achieve better compression.
> The Windows FOSS has already been pared down many times, and I think is
> probably now near its minimum.
> There are various other targets of opportunity, such as duplicate files
> and unnecessary content in the English language packs, that we'll be
> looking into as well.
> Cheers,
> --
> Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]


Here are my personal suggestions on how to, on many ways, reduce CD sizes.

1. Perforation changing 0 bits to lseek(2). (so they don't have a real
and definite file size. ~2MB)
2. Kernel Modules Stripping. (not possible to remove every symbols,
but it's possible to remove useless ones. ~30MB)
3. On-demand Language download. (remove all languages except EN & GB,
but autodownload language on demand. ~160MB)
4. On-demand Fonts download. (remove all fonts associated with
non-existing languages. ~90MB)
5. Remove DiveIntoPython on default installation (~80MB)

Some suggestions.

1. Change Rhythmbox to Banshee. (remove Sound Juicer and Serpentine,
since all of those features are available in Banshee. ~30MB)
2. OpenCD (~80MB)

Reducing LiveCD size is good, because lesser files means less overhead
and drive seek.


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