"Reasons to stick with Windows Vista and avoid Ubuntu"

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 10:20:05 BST 2007

On 22/08/07, Cyrus Jones <daradib at gmail.com> wrote:

> The blog used the worst reasons about Vista and Ubuntu. The person was
> comparing Microsoft Windows Vista (and Windows in general) to Ubuntu without
> compensating for the fact he was an expert with Vista (and Windows in
> general) while an absolute beginner to Ubuntu.

It's terrible journalism, but I do think it's of value as an example
of an emotional response to shifting from Vista to Ubuntu. Is there
anything there that can be stated as a newbie problem and hence as a
bug? e.g. if how to do something was sufficiently unobvious that the
first instructions he found unnecessarily involved the command line.

Saying "you are wrong" won't convince anyone, particularly if they are
in fact wrong. If something isn't sufficiently obvious to a newbie,
that's a reportable bug that needs fixing.

- d.

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