Microsofts new way of bashing Linux
Lee Revell
rlrevell at
Sat Jun 17 20:49:10 BST 2006
On Sat, 2006-06-17 at 14:21 -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> In the Great Book it has Been Written that on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 04:55:28
> +0200 Florian Diesch <diesch at> didst appear within my
> Magick Viewing Screen and, being somewhat pleasantly supplicatory, did
> polemicize thusly:
> > The strength of the GPL is of course that it requires you to license
> > any derived work under GPL. And it seems to me that's the point
> > Microsoft doesn't like about it because they can't use GPL software
> > like they use e.g. BSD style licensed software.
> With this in mind it seems like Microsoft could still write a desktop
> environment to use on a Linux machine instead of the freely available
> DEs, adapt MS programs to run only on it like they love to do, and
> still charge big bucks /and/ keep the source to themselves. I don't know
> about anyone else but I think it would be a seller combining the best
> of both worlds.
> Anyone for a GNU/Vista?
Why would anyone use that rather than just running Windows?
Why not just improve the Linux desktop to the point where it's better
than Windows? It already is for many uses.
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