Dapper Drake ubuntu

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 14 05:04:45 BST 2006

On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 10:08:25AM +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> 1. Boot into Windows and check that you have enough free space. Remove
> files or programs as necessary.  Then run disk 'defragmentation'. This
> is built into windows, just right click the drive from the My Computer
> window, then select the Tools tab and run Defragment.  This may take a
> while.  (Several hours, if the disk is slower and fuller)
> 2. Then boot into the Ubuntu Live CD.  Select the Partionioning Tool
> from the System->Administration menu.   Resize the partition, creating
> free space AT THE END (right hand side). (Click and hold on the right,
> then drag and slide to the left, creating empty space on the right.)
> Create at least 4-5Gb, preferably a bit more. 
> 3. Run the Ubuntu installer as usual and tell it to use any free
> available space.  (NOT the default option which is to nuke the lot.)
> (It always struck me as interesting why the default option is to
> obliterate everything... That's something I'd expect Windows Vista to
> do, not Ubuntu? :P :)

The default option is to resize your windows partition and then use the free
space for Ubuntu, just as you've done manually with the instructions above.
There are certain situations (at least with PC partition tables) where it
can't offer this option due to limitations in the partition table format,
but if you have enough free space for it to work, it works well.

 - mdz

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