Dapper Drake ubuntu

Cefiar cef at optus.net
Wed Jun 14 09:31:00 BST 2006

On Wednesday 14 June 2006 13:08, Chanchao wrote:
> Step one (reducing your windows partition) goes like:
> 1. Boot into Windows and check that you have enough free space. Remove
> files or programs as necessary.  Then run disk 'defragmentation'. This
> is built into windows, just right click the drive from the My Computer
> window, then select the Tools tab and run Defragment.  This may take a
> while.  (Several hours, if the disk is slower and fuller)

I would always recommend "Checking the disk for errors" BEFORE and AFTER 
running a Defragment. Even if you don't run a Defragment before using a tool 
to shrink a partition, I still think you should always Check for errors. I 
would not expect any partition manipulation tool to understand how to deal 
with a corrupted file system. I would not be surprised if some people out 
there who have lost NTFS partitions when doing a resize have had corrupted 
partitions and not known about it, and as a result have lost data or entire 
partitions when the resizing tool got confused by what it saw.

 Stuart Young - aka Cefiar - cef at optus.net

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