
Jerry Haltom wasabi at
Thu Jun 1 04:10:29 BST 2006

I don't really know what is wrong with doing nothing. MS did nothing.
Third parties developed apps. It doesn't have to be on Ubuntu's
shoulders to solve this problem.

If nothing else, Canonical could maybe push a third party to
provide/support one.

I think though Fluendo is doing this for us.

On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 22:06 -0500, Randy Gloden wrote:
> You can only fix what is broken and what you have the abilities to fix.  
> I use the NVIDIA driver and have neither the desire nor the skillset to 
> make any beneficial modifications.  It becomes a technical problem when 
> it doesn't work, and for me, it works.
> I'm not saying that I prefer close source, but I prefer a closed source 
> solution to an illegal one.  A possible free as in beer solution may be 
> possible, but the requirements set forth by the "DVD CCA" dictate 
> protections that prevent the development of a completely 
> legitimate/legal open source solution because core components have to be 
> concealed as part of the contract.  Developers must sign a 
> non-disclosure aggrement, and there is a whole list of other gotchas 
> relating to the protection of the "official" algorithms.  They act as if 
> no one knows their little secret.
> So, we can't include libdvdcss in the the disto because of legal 
> reasons, we can't add a binary solution because of religious/ethical/(or 
> technical if you prefer) reasons, so our only path to Linux DVD playback 
> is to: Compromise on either the legal or the open source stances and 
> thus install libdvdcss after the initial Ubuntu install or use a closed 
> source solution.  Either way, it comes down to a better of evils decision.
> I personally use the binary NVIDIA drivers, and would not lose any sleep 
> over using a closed source Freespire DVD application.  At the same time, 
> I am hoping that NVIDIA will open up.  I hold no such hope for the DVD 
> CSS group.
> -----------Randy
> Lee Revell wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 19:53 -0500, Randy Gloden wrote:
> >   
> >> I think the greatest obstacle is a religious rather than fiscal one.  In 
> >> the religion of Debian, everything that comes in closed format, free or 
> >> not, is of the Devil, and perhaps it is a evil that everyone is hoping 
> >> will be swept away with the truly free/viable alternative.
> >>     
> >
> > Why do you call it a religious issue?  It's a technical one - the
> > community cannot support or debug software that we do not have the
> > source code to.
> >
> > Lee
> >
> >
> >   

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