Boycott iRiver until they become Linux/Mac friendly
Paul Harper
pjharper at
Wed Dec 21 14:11:03 GMT 2005
Hello all,
Whatever you do don't by an iRiver T30. In fact until
iRiver changes its attitude do not buy iRiver
products. At least until they make UMS versions for
Mac and Linux users in the EU and the US. See this
link for details. Consider writing a freindly letter
telling them you are boycotting their paper weights
(thats what they are without UMS firmware).
The T30 does not work with ifp-line although the hard
working developers are busy with the problem. It has
been designed ony to work with Windoze Media Player
The only reason I bought an iRiver was I was under the
mistaken opinion that the company was Linux friendly
after reading an article in Tux magazine. Tell your
Mac using friends as well.
The iRiver European Customer Service email adress is:
support at
Tell them to provide UMS firmware or we won't buy
their products. Time for these hardware companies to
stop taking Linux and Mac people for granted.
Paul Harper
>From the Souceforge mailing List:
ifp-driver-common at
Subject: Re: [Ifp-driver-common] T30 Has anybody got
it working in Linux?
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:09:24 +0200
T30 is not supported by IFP. They are working on it.
If you only want to view/download (NO upload) files
from your T30 you
can use
libptp´s ptpcam utilitye.
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