Boycott iRiver until they become Linux/Mac friendly
Javier Monteagudo
javiermon at
Wed Dec 21 14:18:05 GMT 2005
I've recently bought an mp3 player from iaudio [1]. This players work
perfectly under win/mac/linux plataforms.
Mine is the U2 model, and 'till now I'm quite happy with the purchase.
P.s: I've forgot again to reply to sounder, I don't like GMail's reply :(
On 12/21/05, Paul Harper <pjharper at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Whatever you do don't by an iRiver T30. In fact until
> iRiver changes its attitude do not buy iRiver
> products. At least until they make UMS versions for
> Mac and Linux users in the EU and the US. See this
> link for details. Consider writing a freindly letter
> telling them you are boycotting their paper weights
> (thats what they are without UMS firmware).
> The T30 does not work with ifp-line although the hard
> working developers are busy with the problem. It has
> been designed ony to work with Windoze Media Player
> 10.
> The only reason I bought an iRiver was I was under the
> mistaken opinion that the company was Linux friendly
> after reading an article in Tux magazine. Tell your
> Mac using friends as well.
> The iRiver European Customer Service email adress is:
> support at
> Tell them to provide UMS firmware or we won't buy
> their products. Time for these hardware companies to
> stop taking Linux and Mac people for granted.
> Regards,
> Paul Harper
> >From the Souceforge mailing List:
> ifp-driver-common at
> Subject: Re: [Ifp-driver-common] T30 Has anybody got
> it working in Linux?
> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:09:24 +0200
> T30 is not supported by IFP. They are working on it.
> If you only want to view/download (NO upload) files
> from your T30 you
> can use
> libptp´s ptpcam utilitye.
> "In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find
> themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer
> exists." --Eric Hoffer
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