Some points/issues to discuss about the desktop

Jeff Waugh jdub at
Thu Sep 2 20:01:00 CDT 2004

<quote who="Matt Zimmerman">

> In utopia, we might want to do something about a hard drive (let the user
> format it and decide where to mount it)

g-v-m: If it can't grok the media, it should pop up a formatting utility
(rather like gfloppy, but generalised and not le-suck).

> PDAs (configure a sync application), cameras (decide what to launch when it
> is connected), etc.

multisync: With a nicer GUI and HAL integration, multisync could eat this up
very nicely.

> There would seem to be a need for something more generic.

That's hal! It's the meat that makes the policy engine sandwich great! :-)

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
                              Perl - The Movie
                        Starring 'Weird' Al Yankovic

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