Sounder 7 usability notes

David Miller justdave at
Fri Aug 27 12:23:09 CDT 2004

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="David Miller">
>>- dia-gnome is installed
> (Tangential -> didn't we shift dia from Desktop to Supported?)

To clarify, I installed it, it wasn't part of the base install.  But 
that's the experience I had when trying to actually use it.

>>- Drives and Media preferences: Mac OS X has always had their equivalent 
>>of the "autorun programs on new drives and media" preference disabled by 
>>default, citing security concerns (a malicious autorun program on a CD 
>>could install a virus or do other Bad Things without the user even being 
>>able to see what was there first).  OS X 10.1 and later don't even give 
>>you an option anymore, CDs just can't do autorun.  I see security 
>>articles all the time recommending to disable that option on Windows. 
>>Should we really leave this on by default?
> The autorun setting is off by default, but the mount removable media setting
> is on. Where did you encounter this? What actually had RH-style autorun
> stuff on it that you used?

I didn't run into anything that used it, I was just poking through the 
preferences seeing what was there.  That box was checkmarked when I 
opened the preferences dialog.

Dave Miller      Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System   

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