Sounder 7 usability notes

Jeff Waugh jdub at
Fri Aug 27 12:12:09 CDT 2004

<quote who="David Miller">

> - I think we should have the "always open in browser" option on by 
> default in nautilus.  I tried to find one of my source files in Malone 
> starting from double-clicking the Computer icon and going through 
> Computer > Filesystem > home > dave > Source > Warthogs > dists > 
> launchpad > lib > canonical > malone and wound up with 11 nautilus 
> windows open, which I now had to close one at a time.  In the browser 
> version, you can always right-click on an item and do "Open in New 
> Window" if you really want something in a new window.

You can hold down shift when double-clicking to close each window behind as
you go (same as Mac OS Classic). I think it's worth sticking to spatial mode
by default for our first release, but we are exacerbating the problem by not
having a Home icon on the desktop. I will leave it to our users to voice
their concerns about that one (it was not my choice). :-)

> - dia-gnome is installed

(Tangential -> didn't we shift dia from Desktop to Supported?)

> - Drives and Media preferences: Mac OS X has always had their equivalent 
> of the "autorun programs on new drives and media" preference disabled by 
> default, citing security concerns (a malicious autorun program on a CD 
> could install a virus or do other Bad Things without the user even being 
> able to see what was there first).  OS X 10.1 and later don't even give 
> you an option anymore, CDs just can't do autorun.  I see security 
> articles all the time recommending to disable that option on Windows. 
> Should we really leave this on by default?

The autorun setting is off by default, but the mount removable media setting
is on. Where did you encounter this? What actually had RH-style autorun
stuff on it that you used?


- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
     "Perdon; estoy buscando mis pantalones." - Luis Villa's Essential

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