snap.yaml change landed

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Thu Jan 28 14:31:04 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:43:25AM -0300, Sergio Schvezov wrote:
> El 28/01/16 a las 10:19, Michael Vogt escribió:
> > As the skills system evolves the security handling will be transitioned.
> > This will be announced here.
> In the case of snapcraft, skills are not implemented. This is all rather new. So I guess that if the previous way of declaring security related bits is no longer valid, all snapcraft created snaps are also currently going to be broken.

Indeed, sorry for this. The migration-skill syntax is done in a way
that makes it very easy to port existing snaps. But of course it still
need some tweaks in snapcraft.

> > Note that "frameworks" are supported currently in the meta/snap.yaml
> > to make the transition easier. These will eventually be handled via
> > skills as well.
> Just for clarification, snapcraft does not support frameworks since 2.0

Interessting. Snappy still has the code mostly because we need it to
keep docker/owncloud working until the skills/capabilities have
evoloved enough to support this fully.


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