snap.yaml change landed

Sergio Schvezov sergio.schvezov at
Thu Jan 28 13:43:25 UTC 2016

El 28/01/16 a las 10:19, Michael Vogt escribió:
> Hi,
> we have landed support for meta/snap.yaml. This is the new internal
> metadata format of a snap. It is cleaner than the previously used
> meta/package.yaml and meta/ and it also provides the required
> syntax for the new skill (capabilities) system.
> Snapcraft will manage most of this for you automatically. See also:
> For those interessted in the details, here are the key difference:
> - meta/ is gone and replaced with "summary" and
>   "description" in meta/snap.yaml
> - the icon location must be meta/icon.{svg,png}
> - the "binaries" and "services" key is gone, the new key is "apps"
>   and it is a map instead of a list (much easier to read)
> - the security-* profiles are handled now by a "migration-skill".
>   The keys under the migration skill definition are the same as
>   the old security fields, for convenience when migrating.
> Here is an example of the old `meta/package.yaml`:
> """
> name: hello
> version: 1.0
> binaries:
>  - name: foo
>    security-template: template-one
>  - name: bar
>    security-template: template-two
> """
> and the new `meta/snap.yaml`:
> """
> name: hello
> version: 1.0
> summary: A friendly hello application
> apps:
>     foo:
>         command: foo
>         uses: [migration-one]
>     bar:
>         command: bar
>         uses: [migration-two]
> uses:
>     migration-one:
>         type: migration-skill
>         security-template: template-one
>     migration-two:
>         type: migration-skill
>         security-template: template-two
> """
> As the skills system evolves the security handling will be transitioned.
> This will be announced here.
In the case of snapcraft, skills are not implemented. This is all rather new. So I guess that if the previous way of declaring security related bits is no longer valid, all snapcraft created snaps are also currently going to be broken.

> Note that "frameworks" are supported currently in the meta/snap.yaml
> to make the transition easier. These will eventually be handled via
> skills as well.

Just for clarification, snapcraft does not support frameworks since 2.0

> If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, please let me
> know!
> Cheers,
> Michael

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