Ubuntu Core 16 timelines

Seth Arnold seth.arnold at canonical.com
Thu Apr 28 04:53:34 UTC 2016

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:19:08PM -0500, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> take a little longer to have a more complete GA, or whether we put the
> all-snap Ubuntu Core 16 GA out pretty much immediately, at the risk of
> having a more significant upgrade issue during the life of Ubuntu Core 16.

The different projects (snappy, snapcraft, etc) have benefitted greatly
from rapid iteration cycles. Moving to GA will slow those cycles

Can Ubuntu Core 16 GA be timed to coincide with 16.04.1? That's a natural
point to solidify and stabilize our offerings: The base will have had
more polishing, making the core more stable and more reliable. The rest
of the archive will have had more polishing, making snapcraft a more
pleasant experience. The documentation will be better then.

And having a date a little further in the future will give developers
more time to experiment, learn, file bugs, and iterate with us as we
get closer to release day.

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