Week 23 + 24 in Snappy Core team

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ricardo.salveti at canonical.com
Mon Jun 15 13:03:23 UTC 2015


Starting this week I'll be sending weekly status describing what the
Snappy Core Team accomplished. This might not cover everything in
details, but should help other to follow what is currently happening
around Snappy.

Here's an overview of what the snappy core team has been working on
the past 2 weeks:
* chatroom snap updated
* node-snapper fixed to get it to work again
* node-to-snap tutorial published at
* Image for Raspberry Pi 2 updated, and published at
* First stable updated for 15.04 published (see more details at
* Rolling/edge (currently wily) now available
* Lots of image testing for the released images, which also resulted
in a list of QA stories we want to cover for proper automation at
* Snappy Tools PPA updated
* Selftests branch merged into lp:snappy, for better testing maintenance

Feel free to contact us at #snappy (freenode) if you have any further question!

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo

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