Trying to enable i2c on Raspberry Pi 2

Nobuto Murata nobuto at
Mon Jun 15 15:16:42 UTC 2015


I'm trying to use PiGlow(LED board) with Raspberry Pi 2. Even after
loading i2c-dev module, I still cannot see /dev/i2c-1. It seems there
is an update of bcm2709 kernel on the PPA[1] which is not included in
the current image build[2] yet.

Is the new kernel(-12.12) useful to enable i2c on Pi 2?
Also is there any script to repack device-pi2-0.13.tar.xz? Because I
tried to replace the content manually with the one from PPA, but
diff[3] shows I'm missing 10 modules.* files. I'm not sure I'm in the
right direction.


linux-bcm2709 (3.19.1-12.12) vivid; urgency=low

  [ Paolo Pisati ]

  * [Config] I2C_CHARDEV=y

$ snappy list
Name        Date       Version Developer
ubuntu-core 2015-06-11 3       ubuntu
webdm       2015-06-11 0.9
pi2         2015-06-11 0.13


Nobuto Murata / 村田信人

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