Snappy RPi2 stable image #3 now available

Sergio Schvezov sergio.schvezov at
Fri Jun 12 21:47:42 UTC 2015

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 03:48:32PM -0400, Bret A. Barker wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 08:27:46PM +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > hi,
> > 
> > I have put some more spare time work into creating an actual stable
> > image from yesterdays snappy release so you can enjoy the stable channel
> > on your Pi as well ...
> > 
> > Since the Pi is not officially supported, you will have to re-flash the
> > new image to use it (there is no upgrade path for devices not officially
> > on the system-image server currently). Also, since I might not always be
> > the Pi-Guy the platform team was so kind to offer me some space on the
> > server so it the image is hosted in a less
> > personalized place, you can now download it from:
> > 
> >
> > 
> First, thanks for working on the rpi2 image.
> I installed the latest from there and getting this error w/snappy:
> $ snappy update ubuntu-core
> 2015/06/09 21:31:27 Can not parse 'name: webdm
> source: lp:webdm
> description: Manage a system with a snappy webui
> version: 0.1
> type: framework
> architecture: [amd64, armhf]
> frameworks: ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1
> integration:
>     framework:
>         framework: meta/webdm.framework
>     snappyd:
>         apparmor-profile: meta/snappyd.apparmor
>     avahi:
>         apparmor-profile: meta/avahi.apparmor
> services:
>     - name: snappyd
>       start: snappyd
>       description: Snappy WebDM
>     - name: avahi
>       start: avahi-daemon -f avahi-daemon.conf
>       description: Avahi daemon
> ports:
>     required: 4200
> maintainer: Sergio Schvezov <sergio.schvezov at>
> icon: meta/clap.png
> '
> Same for snappy info/list/etc.
> Any ideas?

Yeah, webdm version 0.1 tells me this is from a very old pi image,
previous to release.

How did you manage to get a hold of this.

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