recent changes to uboot handling in snappy

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ricardo.salveti at
Wed Jul 29 19:42:44 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 11:58 AM,  <g4 at> wrote:
> Hello oli
>> Last but not least, if you have any questions about this new setup or need
>> any help with porting do not hesitate to ask here on the mailing list or
> find
>> me on IRC in the #snappy channel on freenode and i will happily help you
>> with your port.
>> ciao
>>     oli
> Very useful. Thank you.
> WRT to the Beaglebone Black (B3) I am currently using kernels/RFS built from
> the RCN repositories (i.e. generally mainline but sometimes with early
> patches). Snappy looks like it might be an well-resourced alternative so I'd
> like to investigate it further.
> Questions arise around using TFTP/NFS for both booting and mounting the file
> system. This works perfectly with the mainline 3.18 and 4.1 kernels and with
> a Debian 8.x RFS.
> Do you have any thoughts on how well this might work with the current
> Snappy?

Are you planning on using TFTP/NFS just for a faster development path
or as your final target solution?

It should be possible with a few hacks, but since we use at least the
first partition to save the u-boot config (for snappy_ab, snappy_boot,
snappy_cmdline and snappy_mode), the update mechanism will not work

> And does the new Snappy u-boot configuration system accommodate TFTP boot
> etc?

Not for the oem that Ogra created, but the oem owner can specify
whatever other u-boot configuration by default.

> I am doing some kernel driver and user-land work and the SD card route just
> does not cut it :)
> Final issue: Is there a FAQ on how to get basic packages onto an ARM board?
> I was thwarted in my last Snappy experiment by the absence of alsa-utils
> ...!

We should be announcing Snapcraft properly over the next few days, and
that tool will have an easy way for you to create snaps out of ubuntu
packages (or any other upstream project). The main missing piece atm
is getting the local development story in place (via a traditional
ubuntu container).

Should have more details for that later this week.

Ricardo Salveti de Araujo

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