[Snappy ubuntu core ] boot was delay 1min 30s

左宝柱 zuobaozhu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 11:31:41 UTC 2015

yes,it's still boot delay
[    **] (1 of 2) A start job is running for dev-ttyS0.device (20s / 1min
[     *] (2 of 2) A start job is running for...mcblk0p1.device (21s / 1min

2015-02-03 19:26 GMT+08:00 Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com>:

> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 03.02.2015, 19:13 +0800 schrieb 左宝柱:
> > I have  booted the initrd.img file .when I reached network,it can get
> > the right date.but
> > root at localhost:~# date
> > Tue Feb  3 11:01:18 UTC 2015
> very good, i uploaded the change from that initrd to the archive
> > root at localhost:~# snappy versions
> > WARNING: failed to connect to dbus:
> > org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to
> > socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
> ...
> > it's still not work.
> >
> yes, it seems that due to your boot errors the boot process didnt
> complete and the system dbus did not start at all (but as you can see
> the command already prints the right output, it finds the installed
> webdm package, it does *not* yet find the ubuntu-core snap though) so we
> still need to fix this bit ...
> but i have to admit i am slowly running out of ideas ... i assume you
> still see the boot delay with the new initrd and working fixrtc ?
> ciao
>         oli
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