Snappy Ubuntu Core and updating on the Raspberry Pi 2

Niklas Wenzel nikwen.developer at
Tue Apr 21 14:12:55 UTC 2015

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In addition to what I wrote in my last email, I'm struggling getting wifi
to work on my Raspberry Pi 2. Does anyone have any advice here? [1]

2015-04-17 20:44 GMT+02:00 Niklas Wenzel <nikwen.developer at>:

> Hi all,
> I've been a long-time user of Ubuntu on my desktop and on my Nexus 4.
> Recently, I've ordered a Raspberry Pi 2 for trying Snappy Ubuntu Core on
> it.
> Today, I found out on that the "snappy update"
> command does not yet work on the Raspberry Pi 2 due to the lack of a
> system-image server. [1]
> I also found a bug report regarding this issue. [2]
> Since I consider the easy system upgrade mechanism to be one of the
> coolest features of Snappy Ubuntu Core, my question now is how long it will
> take until that server is set up. Is anyone currently looking into that?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Cheers,
> Niklas
> [1]
> [2]
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