New image promoted to the "devel" channel

Michael Vogt mvo at
Fri Apr 10 21:29:22 UTC 2015

Dear Snappy Enthusiasts,

We promoted a new image from devel-proposed to devel today [1].
Together with this promotion we also have new snappy build tools
in the ppa:snappy-dev/beta and ppa:snappy-dev/tools.

This is a pretty exciting release! We switched the default snappy to
the new cli experience.  It's much quicker and has more features than
the previous snappy. There are some minor changes in the commands as
described in [2]. Also our framework story[3] is very close to feature
complete and all the primitives you need to extend ubuntu core are
available as spec'ed out in [3] and [12]. Last but not least we support the
new oem snap type, which allows everyone to develop and release their
custom snappy systems in the store. Just select built-in/default apps,
frameworks, ubuntu-core and enablement to construct your stack and
provide configurations for those parts in the OEM snap [5] and publish
it in the store, and producing your very own snappy-based appliance is
just one ubuntu-device-flash command away, e.g.
    sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --oem beagleboneblack.sergiusens --output  mysnappy.img

to produce an example beaglebone based snappy appliance that Sergio
did to showcase this neat feature [10] [11].

Have fun playing with this!

Other notable changes:
  - meta/package.yaml has new elements like caps,
    security-{template,override,policy} [4]
  - initial support for license acceptance prompts
  - a new 3.19 kernel
  - removal of python2 from the image
  - much improved configuration support in snappy
  - oem config snap support [5]
  - support for garbage collection[6]
  - improved hashes generation [7]
  - support for grub failover on failed boot
  - autopilot is enabled by default [8]
  - rsyslog is part of the image and snappy logs to it
  - new snappy hw-{assign,unassign,list} feature to assign hardware control
  - lot of bugfixes
  - much improved documentation 
  - full list of package changes [9] 

Known issues:
  - there will be some leftover files on an upgrade due to a bug in
    the upgrade handling 
  - if you upgrade from the previous alpha image and downgrade again
    you can no longer boot to the new version due to a bug in the
    grub handling 
We hope you enjoy this build!

 The snappy development team

[1] The devel-proposed version that got promoted:
    amd64: r377
    i386: r293
    armhf: r222

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