Translation credits

Rolando Blanco rolando at
Thu May 10 16:56:42 BST 2007

I left my work in the Ubuntu-es Translator Team, because I did think
that is not rigth that a very big lot of people works and contribute in
the translation and don´t be considerated in the credits.

I felt that the "translators" use our works in they name.

Please understand me :D .  I think that 1000 People translate, then 1000
Peoples are Translators, and have to be in the credits, I think that

El jue, 10-05-2007 a las 17:10 +0200, Jannick Kuhr escribió:
> Am Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2007 schrieb Og Maciel:
> > I'm going to be very frank here...  This whole thing about quantifying
> > one's contribution with translation is such a waste of time!  Every
> > little thing helps: one well placed period, comma, or changing the
> > tense of a verb could turn your completely translated string into a
> > well, concise and intelligent sentence!  If one is concerned about
> > credits, maybe one should rethink about what open source means.  This
> > is not about a contest of who did what.  This is about people doing
> > volunteering work to help out the community.
> >
> > Please let's not waste any more time on this subject.  ALL
> > contributions deserve to be mentioned, no matter how minute.
> Dear Og Maciel,
> I respect your very radical position regarding this issue. Your are absolutly 
> right if you state that open soure lives by the contributions of everyone - 
> independently how big the contribution is. It has never been my intention to 
> doubt this. But I also think that open discussions about issues like this are 
> an important part of the open source movement. And I think it would not be a 
> good idea to terminate this discussion at this point.
> My proposal is to handle the translator credits like they are handled by the 
> upstream teams. I know for example that the german KDE translation team 
> generally only mentions translators who translated a big part of the program 
> or  who are the actual maintainer of the translation, but not all the 
> translators who corrected strings. If (K/X/Ed)Ubuntu introduced an other 
> policy regarding the translator credits than the appropriate translation 
> teams, this would result in an imbalance between the upstream and Ubuntu 
> translators in the translator credits, which would surely annoy upstream 
> translators.
> To prevent such unnecessary problems, I would recommend to ask the different 
> upstream teams how they  normally handle this issue and find a similar 
> solution.
> Kind regards, Jannick Kuhr
> Btw. you don't have to CC me. I always follow this list ;-)
Rolando F. Blanco C:. 
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