Translation credits

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Wed Apr 18 13:43:06 BST 2007

Hi Og,

Yesterday at 16:05, Og Maciel wrote:

> I was refering to GNOME and Ubuntu translations, when they get merged.
> You have a list of translators in both sides and I want to know what the
> right protocol for "merging" the credits is.

Currently, if you modified translator-credits in Launchpad, that
modification will take precedence over anything which is later
imported from GNOME packages in Ubuntu.

Yes, this is wrong, and we'll fix this ASAP.

> Since I'm working with the GNOME Brazil team and bringing our
> translations into Rosetta, I want to make sure all translators are credited.

That's what we want to, and the solution we plan to do is to simply
add all contributors through Launchpad automatically to
translator-credits (and corresponding entries for KDE), and disallow
changing this string otherwise.

To look at how's that going, you can track bug 116.


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