mak_l10n makl10n at
Sun Oct 30 17:48:49 CST 2005

To whom it may concern

I like the Shooltool and started to using it; and
interested to translate into our "Bengali" language,
so I registered myself in "rosetta"; after selecting
my Language when I tried to start translation I got
this message, 

"Rosetta can’t handle the plural items in this
file, because it doesn’t yet know how plural
forms work for Bengali. To fix this, please e-mail the
Rosetta users mailing list with this information"

So, please help me. I have exprience of localization
and worked with the Gnome 2.12, but that was .pot file
way, on the contrary Rosetta uses a different but
innovation way (the web based); it's turning me more
enthusiastic. Please reply.


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