Eric Casteleijn thisfred at
Mon Oct 31 08:03:53 CST 2005


Let me start by saying how impressed I am with all the good work done
on Launchpad and Rosetta, and that the following should be taken in
the spirit of constructive criticism from an enthusiastic user, and
not so much as whining from an old git ;).
I also realize how young the application is, and I don't expect to see
these things changed immediately, I just would like to put them on the

1. Navigation

I find the navigation mildly confusing at times. For instance when I
go to the translations page of a certain project, and then into a
specific language, the translations tab no longer takes me back to the
overview of all the languages, as I would expect it to. There are a
few other gripes there too. Basically there are too many ways (for me)
to get to a page for a certain task.

For instance, what is the difference between:


(Or is it just the top view vs. a specific branch?)

The interface reminds me of out of the box Plone in this way, which I
also find highly confusing, but since many people seem to be entirely
happy using that, this may be just me.

2. Project management

I am able to add a new project, which is great, but I am then not
automatically its project manager. I understand where this could be a
security measure, but I also see no way to request that I be made its
manager. Also I'm not sure how to add new languages to my project.
People seem to be able to do it though, since I'm sure there are 2
languages to my project which I didn't add (which I think is great,
don't get me wrong, it's just that I want to be able to do it too. Or
is it actually as simple as uploading a new .po file?)

3. Permissions

(Minor nitpick) I can set the Translations to Open, Structured or
Closed, but the explanatory text mentions a Reviewed permissions, and
not Structured. I assume they are the same. ;)

4. Translation Groups

I have no idea if it possible to create new groups, but if it is, I
have not been able to find where. I would like to delegate
responsibility for each language to a native speaker if possible, and
I think having a group for my project would let me do this (i.e. have
a group of all known and trusted translators, and allow them to review
and accept suggestions from the world at large.)

Anyway, as you can see these things are pretty minor stuff, so I guess
I'm also trying to say: great job, launchpad devs!

eric casteleijn

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