roll back / more options for .po import

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Mon Oct 3 06:00:27 CDT 2005

Martin Juergens wrote:

>I just noticed that someone overwrote my translations from
>update-notifier. That is really bad because the new translation had had
>a lot of spelling mistakes etc. I tried to correct nearly everything and
>I hope that it is ok now.
Hmm... is Ubuntu translation locked down at all? Perhaps we should do
this? We have the ability to require that people be in designated
translation teams to translate.

Carlos, Jordi: perhaps we should also create another "level" of locking,
where we allow people to translate freely in languages that DO NOT have
a designated translator, but lock those that DO have a designated
translator. Make sense? That means that languages could quickly get
going, and when people have made substantial translations they can say
"OK, we'll become a designated translation team" and then stop people
from stomping on their translations as happened here.


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