Rosetta legal questions

Jordi Mallach jordi at
Wed Nov 30 23:32:22 GMT 2005

On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I think that's a great idea.  When do you think the GNU team can be set
> up?

I was setup yesterday, and is now ready to be filled with the official
mailman translators.

Can you give me a list of launchpad users which will translate mailman
through Rosetta?

> I'm not sure when we'll be able to get around to converting the
> templates -- we'll have to discuss that on the Mailman lists.  But I
> think as soon as the GNU team infrastructure is set up, we could import
> the existing po files and use Rosetta for them.  We'll deal with the
> oddball templates separately until we figure out the best way to
> integrate them into the po files.

That's good. I just want to help you gather some energy to get it
investigated :)

If you can provide me a tar with the pot and po files, I'll do the
initial upload for you.

I've changed the owner of the product to you. You should now be able to
do the tweaks you think are necessary. Please create the development
branches (series) so we can attach po templates to them.

Welcome :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
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