Rosetta legal questions

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Nov 28 23:21:50 GMT 2005

On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 00:15 +0100, Jordi Mallach wrote:

> Yes, that's what they are currently doing right now. In the description
> for the GNU team, we can add the what and why about the translation
> disclaimer, and a link to the TP for the template people have to send by
> snail mail.

I think that's a great idea.  When do you think the GNU team can be set

> If it's doable to make a conversion script now, I would give it a go. It
> would really simplify things. Right now, we can only import the po
> files, so an important part of mailman would be outside of Rosetta, and
> this is quite suboptimal.
> For other list readers, the format of the files we're talking about is
> something like
> If you think you want to go ahead and start using Rosetta for the
> current data that is in po files, we can do it now. Once we have the
> others in po format, we'll be able to add them as well, under another
> translation domain.

I'm not sure when we'll be able to get around to converting the
templates -- we'll have to discuss that on the Mailman lists.  But I
think as soon as the GNU team infrastructure is set up, we could import
the existing po files and use Rosetta for them.  We'll deal with the
oddball templates separately until we figure out the best way to
integrate them into the po files.


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