Malone bug when asking feedback for Rosetta and Plone/Zope wish
Godefroid Chapelle
gotcha at
Tue Jul 19 06:59:45 CDT 2005
Dafydd Harries wrote:
> Ar 15/06/2005 am 10:46, ysgrifennodd Godefroid Chapelle:
>>Almost 6 monthes ago ;-) I filed a bug/wish about Plone domain metadata.
>>I just tried to ask news about it through the Malone Interface but I got
>>an error when trying to add the comment :
>>I was on the following URL :
>>I was about to ask if there are any chances to get the wish implemented
>>for Rosetta in the mid term.
> Hi Godefroid,
> I sent a message to the bug asking for more details about which fields you
> need added. If you can tell us what data we need to put in the PO file, we
> should be able to let you know whether it'll be feasible to support it. If
> it's not difficult, we can probably get it ready by this time next week.
> Regards,
The idea is the following :
If you find a "domain" field in the .pot file, please copy it over to
the corresponding .po files.
Thanks for coming back to this !
Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha)- BubbleNet
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