Blue color code: "Rosetta has improved(??) translations for these"

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Wed Apr 6 08:09:51 CDT 2005

Frederik Dannemare wrote:

>On Wednesday 06 April 2005 13:56, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>>Nope - "improved" is a closer description. It means that someone has
>>updated the translation in Rosetta since we last imported the PO
>Ah, got it. I was totally misinterpreting that blue one (obviously). For 
>some reason I thought it meant that I (or somebody) had updated a 
>translation [purple] and that the translation had then been approved by 
>some Rosetta entity afterwards [blue].

Maybe we need to tweak the test there? Am happy to do so. Of course, the
most important thing is getting the Rosetta pages themselves I18N'ed so
we can give people pages in their home language while they translate :-)

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