italian translation group

matthew.east at matthew.east at
Tue Apr 5 14:16:41 CDT 2005

Thanks for your reply mark, 

> The plan was to show email addresses of users to other logged-in users. So 
> make sure you are logged in to Launchpad, then check out their pages and I 
> think it should show you their email addresses.

AFAICS it doesn't work. Even when logged in, I do not have permissions to 
see people's email addresses. It just pops up another dialogue for 
user/password, and my user/password doesn't work in that. 

> The very best idea is to create a Team in launchpad, called, for example, 
> ubuntu-l10n-it, and to ask your guys to join that team. You would be the 
> "owner" of the team, so you can see all the requests for membership in the 
> team, and approve those you want.

The team was created by Daffyd. You can check it out at 

> Bear with us, this is all a little rough around the edges at the moment, 
> but it's there and it should work.


I'm thinking perhaps only administrators can access email addresses maybe. 
Unless I am going mad and missing something obvious. 


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